This week's writing assignment from the fabulous Mama Kat is to list 10 things that make you happy.
1, My children make me happy. I know, no big surprise here. My children are my life, my reaon for living, and they make me so darn HAPPY! How could they not? They're cute, funny, adorable, kissable, smart, and just so... wonderful!

2. Vacation. Vacation makes me very, very happy. I love to travel. I love airports! I love people watching. I love beautiful resorts, big comfy beds, balconies overlooking the ocean, and massive pools. Sightseeing. And swimming with my boys - that makes me the most happy!

3. Shopping makes me happy. I love it. I could spend all day talking about how much I love shopping because it makes me feel so good and there is nothing like the wonderful smell of certain stores and how happy you get when you buy that new purse or pair of shoes or sunglasses... but I'm trying to keep this short!
4. Food makes me happy. Yup, I love to eat. I'm Greek. I don't think there is such a thing as a Greek person who doesn't love to eat. It's part of who we are. We are passionate, we yell, we are loud, and we love to eat. Pizza is probably my favourite food. Boring, but true. And I love chips and salsa. And these things were great in New Orleans. At Cafe du Monde. Anyone remember what they're called?

4. My family makes me happy. I see my parents almost every single day. While others might find this weird, I think it's totally awesome. Yes, they help take care of my children, but more importantly, we have fun together. We laugh - a lot. (And yes, we also fight a lot!) We even travel together. We're a family unit, baby.

5. Christmas makes me happy! I love hearing Christmas songs on the radio, I love seeing the snow fall in December, I love decorating the tree with my boys, and I love wrapping presents. I love stockings hung by the fireplace, and hot chocolate and wreaths on front doors. I love getting together with friends and I love seeing my boys happy on Christmas Day.

6. Summer makes me very happy. I love the smell of suntan lotion, swimming, and sipping on an iced coffee. I'm happy to wear to flip flops and I'm happy at the park with my boys.

7. Blogging and writing make me very happy. I love to write, and I love to share my stories with my readers. I love to read your stories, too. You guys all make me happy when you leave me comments, and when I read your blogs. You're always making me smile! (So, thank you - for your awesome writing skills, because reading your blogs really does make me happy!)
8. Ice cream makes me happy. French vanilla, as boring as that may be, makes me happy, In a sugar cone.

9. Getting my hair done makes me happy. I am at the salon once a week for a blow-dry, and then every month and a half or so for a cut and colour. I love relaxing with a magazine in hand. It's total zone-out time for me. Massages, too. Those make me happy.
10. Friends make me happy. It makes me so happy getting together with my group of girlfriends that I've been friends with my entire life. We always have a blast together. Laughter with friends is total happiness. That, with a few glasses of wine - perfection!
What makes you happy?
1, My children make me happy. I know, no big surprise here. My children are my life, my reaon for living, and they make me so darn HAPPY! How could they not? They're cute, funny, adorable, kissable, smart, and just so... wonderful!

2. Vacation. Vacation makes me very, very happy. I love to travel. I love airports! I love people watching. I love beautiful resorts, big comfy beds, balconies overlooking the ocean, and massive pools. Sightseeing. And swimming with my boys - that makes me the most happy!

3. Shopping makes me happy. I love it. I could spend all day talking about how much I love shopping because it makes me feel so good and there is nothing like the wonderful smell of certain stores and how happy you get when you buy that new purse or pair of shoes or sunglasses... but I'm trying to keep this short!
4. Food makes me happy. Yup, I love to eat. I'm Greek. I don't think there is such a thing as a Greek person who doesn't love to eat. It's part of who we are. We are passionate, we yell, we are loud, and we love to eat. Pizza is probably my favourite food. Boring, but true. And I love chips and salsa. And these things were great in New Orleans. At Cafe du Monde. Anyone remember what they're called?

4. My family makes me happy. I see my parents almost every single day. While others might find this weird, I think it's totally awesome. Yes, they help take care of my children, but more importantly, we have fun together. We laugh - a lot. (And yes, we also fight a lot!) We even travel together. We're a family unit, baby.

5. Christmas makes me happy! I love hearing Christmas songs on the radio, I love seeing the snow fall in December, I love decorating the tree with my boys, and I love wrapping presents. I love stockings hung by the fireplace, and hot chocolate and wreaths on front doors. I love getting together with friends and I love seeing my boys happy on Christmas Day.

6. Summer makes me very happy. I love the smell of suntan lotion, swimming, and sipping on an iced coffee. I'm happy to wear to flip flops and I'm happy at the park with my boys.

7. Blogging and writing make me very happy. I love to write, and I love to share my stories with my readers. I love to read your stories, too. You guys all make me happy when you leave me comments, and when I read your blogs. You're always making me smile! (So, thank you - for your awesome writing skills, because reading your blogs really does make me happy!)
8. Ice cream makes me happy. French vanilla, as boring as that may be, makes me happy, In a sugar cone.

9. Getting my hair done makes me happy. I am at the salon once a week for a blow-dry, and then every month and a half or so for a cut and colour. I love relaxing with a magazine in hand. It's total zone-out time for me. Massages, too. Those make me happy.
10. Friends make me happy. It makes me so happy getting together with my group of girlfriends that I've been friends with my entire life. We always have a blast together. Laughter with friends is total happiness. That, with a few glasses of wine - perfection!
What makes you happy?
Great post!
What a fun post! Lots of the same things that make you happy make me happy. Coffee ice cream makes me happy. Smell of Coppertone makes my happy. Nice glass of wine and the smell of honeysuckle make me very happy!!
Having children is exhausting and yet exhilarating! It is the most beautiful of experiences life offers us, if we choose to note the wonder of tiny human beings becoming their very own grown-up :)!
Thank you for the comment to my blog!
And now I want a massage!
That's great that you see your folks so often =) We live right down the street from mine, and I couldn't agree more: it's really awesome.
In all your picture taking of your cute little men, remember to have some pictures taken of YOU and your parents. I was so busy taking pictures of my dad and my boys that I only have a few of he and I together from the last several years.
If I hadn't of read that I wouldn't have remembered until morning (mommy brain..)
What also makes me happy is that it's still hot.
'Cuz it's been a long day and mama needs some caffeine.
:) and pretty much everything on your list. lol
P.S. Those things you are eating may be beignets?