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Sunrise, Sunset... through the days and through the years...

Here is a fun 'meme' I found over at Sara's blog... do you want to play along, too? If so let me know! It's fun, but it's also a bit hard, having to think back all those years! It is also pretty scary to see how quickly time passes...

15 years ago today, I would have been:

- 17 years old, and really enjoying high school;
- Thinking about which University to attend;
- Dating my high school sweetheart, who I eventually married!

10 years ago today, i would have been:

- Graduated from University, and fast-tracking the Broadcast Journalism program at Loyalist College;
- Living in Washington D.C., completing an internship with CBS Television, and loving every minute of it;
- Accepting an internship with Entertainment Tonight in L.A., going for a week, and then returning home to my first 'real-job' at a local radio station doing the traffic. I still regret leaving the internship placement early.
- And still in love with my soon-to-be-husband!

5 year ago today I would have been:

- Pregnant for the first time, and so excited to become a mom.
- Preparing, along with my husband, the nursury of our dreams. And gaining weight at an astonishingly rapid pace!
- Becoming a mom: the day my son was born was the best day of my life and changed me forever. There is nothing I love more then being a mommy!

1 year ago today I would have been:

- On maternity leave for the second time, having just given birth to the other ray of sunshine in my life, my second son.
- Enjoying my maternity leave as a much more relaxed mom the second time around!
- Realizing that taking care of 2 young children is the hardest job in the world.

This year I am:

- Back at work, missing my boys like crazy, but thankful they are looked after by family. Makes me have less 'mommy-guilt'.
- Enjoying watching my children grow into wonderful little boys and loving being a mommy to two boys, as active as they are!
- Still struggling to lose weight. Enjoying writing and thinking about big things happening!

Today I:

- Had a hard time leaving my children to go work. Emotions were running high, and mommy guilt kicked in.
- Will go to my moms art show tonight with my family.
- Wore the same sweater I wore to work on Monday.

Next year I hope:

- To have finally lost the last of the weight I wanted to lose;
- To finally convince my husband to have another child with me;
- To go back to Florida and Bahamas with my family,
- To be an aunt to my sister's first child!

In five years I hope:

- To be the owners of a new home that includes a laundry room on the main level;
- To continue writing, and perhaps be a published author;
- To take my children to Greece for the first time so they can see where their family comes from! (Although, likely we'll go next year.)

That was fun! Now it's your turn!


Amy saidā€¦
I hear ya on the weight issue. I've been hearing a lot on different blod about Jillian Anderson's 30 day shred. Looks interesting...
Rebecca saidā€¦
Wow - sounds like you've had some really interesting experiences.

I wish you all the best for your future dreams!

I posted my look back man, how one can change in 15 years!
Suzanne saidā€¦
I loved reading this post, Lou! It's such a great way to reflect on where you've been, where you are today, and where you hope to be in the future. Awesome! xoxo
Jessica saidā€¦
This is great! I'll be joining in :)