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Busy summer...

Wedding season has officially begun! This summer, it seems that every single weekend, there is wedding or baby related event, from showers, to baptisms, and of course, weddings! I can't believe it already almost June... I have a feeling this summer will fly by which is not necessarily a good thing, since we had such a long winter that I need a really, really long summer to make up for all that snow!
I am loving maternity leave... I am not looking forward to starting work again, however far away that may be. Being home with my two boys is so amazing! Every day, a new adventure. Christos amazes me, still, every day. The way he play so independently, the way he works around the house, helps clean up, help garden, put things together, and always ask questions. The kid is way too smart! It is astonishing to me. "How do they make merry-go-rounds? How do they make bulldozers? How do they make beds?" He asks, asks, asks... and the memory on him! He is such a sponge. He is my love! What a great age... and Dimitry... almost 4 months, and the sweetest, most lovable little baby boy there ever was! His laughter melts me into a puddle on the floor every day. His bright, bright sunshine eyes... his interest at everything around him. Sigh! Babies are just, well, perfect. I can't complain about his sleep pattern, either. Nice naps during the day, and a bedtime of 9 p.m. The funny thing is, like clockwork, him and his brother will wake up at 8 a.m. everyday, even though they are not in the same room. I think it's hilarious! He's still a great nurser, and we've introduced cereal to him which he LOVES. He doesn't love the bottle, but we give him one a day and today he took formula with me. It's amazing how fast he grew... anyway, happy long weekend, and let's hope for some sunshine! I am hoping the shine for my friend's wedding tomorrow!


Anonymous saidā€¦
I can't believe he's already 4 months old! Where does the time go, wow!

Glad you're loving motherhood with two. I wish I could have a year maternity leave, but it's going to be 12 weeks for me, sigh...
Nicole saidā€¦
I still read regularly but seem to have less and less time to leave comments. But it is great hearing all about your two little boys!