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Showing posts from May, 2019

From Consultation to Results: My Experience With JuvƩderm

Disclosure: I have partnered with Allergen Inc. and  JuvĆ©derm for this campaign, and have received treatment and  monetary  compensation. All views and opinions are my own.   If yo u're on the fence about  JuvĆ©derm  let me put your mind at easeā€“over the course of several months, I had the  opportunity  to experience  JuvĆ©derm   fillers with Dr. Caronline Tosoni , and I loved my experience. She is one of  the  best cosmetic physicians in Ottawa, and after seeing her several times for consultations and treatments, I can see why she's so loved in this city. Many  people  I know go to Dr. Tosoni,  including several of my close friends. Her professionalism and expertise can't be beat! A ll the doubts I had prior to making my appointment with Dr. Tosoni were put to rest after my first visit with her. My initial fear was the pain from the needles, and wondering if anything would go wrong. I wa...

Take Me Back To Chicago

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around every once in a while, you could miss it." We're all familiar with this line from the classic movie, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, which took place in Chicagoā€”the famous city I got to experience for the first time on a recent press trip. I was so fortunate to be travelling with some wonderful Canadian journalists, led by the most professional (and fun) PR firm, Fathom Co. (hi, Mark and Laura!) and hosted by Choose Chicago. Chicagoā€”I definitely choose you! Some cities leave me yearning for more; I feel this way about New York City, and I feel this way about Chicago now. My first time visiting the Windy City left quite an impression on me, even though I was only there for a few days. I explored as much as I could, making good use of my time from morning to night. I walked around Millennium Park, took my picture by the famous "bean", watched Hamilton for the first time, (more on that late...

Mother's Day Gift Giving With A Local Twist

This Mother's Day, keep is simple by shopping local for the most important woman in your life. There are so many wonderful gifts to give mom for Mother's Day. Of course, the most important gift of all is the gift that's free: love, and spending quality time with those closest to you. For me, a truly happy Mother's Day means I'm spending it with my children and my family, doing things we love, together. A home made card from my children is always the most cherished gift I receive every year. Howeverā€“receiving (and giving) something extra special is a wonderful way to celebrate Mother's day, too. This year, I thought it would be a good idea to shop for gifts from local businesses, because Ottawa is full of great companies selling amazing products every mom will appreciate. Here are my choices for the best gifts to give this Mother's Day: Tallow Boutique : Tallow is an adorable boutique located in Westboro. They sell so many wonderful items including...