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Showing posts from June, 2017

Celebrating Canada 150: Where To Stay And What To Do This Summer

With Canada Day just a day away, this country is buzzing with excitement with Canada 150 events, and there has never been a better time to take a vacationā€“or staycationā€“in Canada. I was recently on Breakfast Television in Montreal talking about the great things to see and do, and where to stay, in Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto. Ottawa is obviously the place to be to celebrate Canada Day, but if you want to avoid the crowds, not to worry; there is a lot going on after July 1st, too. Here's what you can enjoy: Sky Lounge: Taking place between July 7th and 22nd, this is an exclusive culinary experience that will take the brave 150 feet in the air to discover Ottawa like never before; you'll get to experience a dining experience presented by chef Stephen La Salle, from Andaz Hotel's Feast and Revel delicious restaurant. You can choose between a a cocktail option with appetizers and Canadian wine, or a gourmet three-course dinner. You'll be strapped in Formula-1 sty...

Eat Together With President's Choice

Today was the last day of school, and I was equally emotional and excited. After all, my oldest son is moving on to a different school in September, as he and his classmates start their new journey to middle school. When I started this blog, he wasn't even in kindergarten! Time sure goes by quickly, and that's why it's important for me to make sure I'm spending quality time with  my boys as often as I canā€“including eating dinner together. It's important to carve out time with family and friends and slow down the pace a little, especially now that summer is here. Whether you're BBQing in the backyard by the pool, or taking a vacation overseas, dinner time is the best time to re-connect with your loved ones. Earlier this year, President's Choice (PC) embarked on a journey to get Canadians to eat together when they released their Eat Together film, seen here: I don't know about you, but watching the video brought a tear to my eye. (And the video'...

Simple Ways To Live An Eco Friendly Life

I was never very environmentally conscious before becoming a mother. Once I had children, though, my perspective on most things changed, including my views on the environment, the world I was raising my children in, and what I needed to do to make sure my children were growing up aware of the things they needed to do to keep our planet green and contribute to their environment in positive ways. Thankfully, I've raised some really good peopleā€“boys who are smart and know more than I did when I was their age about science, the environment, and how even small things can make a big impact. Taking on a new job in Communications at Environment and Climate Change Canada has opened my eyes even further to how much work is being done around us to keep our air clean, and our communities safe and healthy. Here are some ways you can be more environmentally conscious in simple ways: Be Aware:  Becoming more environmentally conscious isn't difficult; in fact, living in Canadaā€“a coun...

Help Yourself To Faster Airport Security This Summer

It's summer, and if you're like me, you've been planning your vacation for a while. Although the weather here is absolutely perfect right now, there's something exciting about getting ready for a vacation. My favourite summer vacation destination in Greece, because of the beauty and the culture. There is nothing more breathtaking than the Mediterranean Sea! I also love going to Miami in the summer (and winter!) with my family because it's a short plane ride, the resorts are gorgeous, and the beach life is perfect. I'm a last minute packer, and despite how often I travel, I always pack more shoes than I shouldā€“but if you don't plan accordingly, over-packing will be the least of your worries. Since we tend to be so focused on our destination, it's easy to forget about the journey, particularly security screening at the airport. The good news is that being prepared can help you breeze through the screening checkpoint , leaving you more time to shop, eat, ...

Getting Healthier From The Inside Out With Align

Finally, warmer days are here! Summer makes me happy, and the warmer temperature and sunshine always motivate me to stay on track with eating well, taking care of my body, and staying on top of my fitness routine. Of course, some days are harder than others, but I find it's easier to stay on track when the weather is cooperating nicely. Although working out several times a week is important in helping you look and feel great, I believe it's what you put inside your body that has a bigger impact. If you feel good from the inside, you'll no doubt look and feel incredible on the outside, too. The best part about getting healthier from the inside out is that it's not complicated. We all know what foods are good for us, and we know that being physically active is important, too. I like doing activities I love, like cycle and barre classes, and spending as much time in the great outdoors as I can, now that it's nice outside.  Whether it's swimming, pl...