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Showing posts from March, 2017

Two Weeks To Beautiful Skin With The Advanced Ceramide Capsules Daily Youth Restoring Serum

When I was asked to take part in the #Ceramide2WeekChallenge to put Elizabeth Arden's new Advanced Ceramide Capsules Daily Youth Restoring Serum to the test, I said yes right awayā€“because I'd never tried these capsules before and because I had always heard great things about how well they worked. After a couple of weeks of using these little capsulesā€“morning and night, as part of my daily skin-care routineā€“they've become a must-have product for me and they're a skin-care product I'd recommend to anyone looking for a serum that works well in giving skin the extra moisture it needs, while at the same time minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. These iconic capsules have been around for a long time, and have always been a cult favourite; now that they're improved and include two kinds of ceramidesā€“a skincare ingredient that protects the skin while trapping moisture inā€“they work even better than before and have triple the anti-aging power. They...

Host A Family Reunion With The Help Of Catelli

Now that spring is almost here (we'll get through this last snowstorm, I promise!) it's time to start planning ahead to warmer days. There is so much to look forward to, like spending countless hours outside with friends and family. Remember those days? Hot, summer days that turn into nights, endless laughter, kids splashing in the pool, and adults enjoying cold beverages and delicious food... it's all coming backā€”and I'm so excited, because we've had a long winter. When it comes to preparing a big bash with the extended family, Catelli Pasta has some great ideas for making your next reunion a special one. Not only is Catelli helping families across the country come together in a special way, with incredible recipe ideas that'll make the preparations even easier, they are also running a contest as a thank-you to celebrate their 150th birthday. (How timely, as it's Canada's 150th birthday as well!). The Canada-wide  Catelli Family Reunion Contest ...

Avoiding March Break Meltdowns (And A Fujifilm Instax 300 Camera Giveaway)

Itā€™s such a relief March is here, because weā€™re one step closer to springā€”and saying good-bye to the cold and snow. March is all about looking ahead to sunny, warmer days and March Break, a time to reconnect with the entire family. Since we do our winter travel during the months of January and February, we stick close to home during March Break. Staying home means finding ways to keep the children happy, active, and busy, to avoid March Break meltdowns. Children often turn to their parents for suggestions on what to do if they get bored, and sometimes, we donā€™t have ideas to cure them of the dreaded boredom. Despite how fun March Break is, it also means we donā€™t get much of a break to do the things we need to do (like working, cleaning, and cooking) so itā€™s essential to have a solid plan in place. Although nothing can substitute one-on-one time with a parent, books and educational toys that get childrenā€™s creative juices flowing are great ways to...

Brighten Up Your Spring Beauty Routine With Olay and COVERGIRL

I like changing up my beauty routine every few months, and now that it's almost spring, I love freshening up my make-up bag. Flawless skin is always in fashion, no matter the season, whether you're going for a matte finish or a dewy glowā€”and achieving a good base is key, along with properly moisturizing your skin. After all, we had a rough winter and we're all in need of some major moisture repair and brighter shades of colour to welcome the warmer months back into our lives. I thought I'd share some of my must-have products from Olay and COVERGIRL that are sure to become spring essentials: C OVERGIRL truBlend Bronzer: If your vacation tan is fading, you can still keep the glow going! For a bronze goddess look, use this bronzer as the final step after you've put on your make-up. For a look that glows even more, mix the bronzer with your moisturizer to add some shimmer and all-over colour. The truBlend Bronzer provides a natural looking glow and comp...