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Showing posts from July, 2012

The Only Accessory You Need At BlogHer

We are now in countdown mode for the biggest blogging conference of the year. In less than two weeks, thousands of fabulous bloggers will be in New York City . There will be a lot of hugging, and a lot of squeeing. And I can't wait! Even though it's my third time attending BlogHer , I have not stressed about what to wear, because I plan on bringing everything in my closet with me. Okay, I'm totally exaggerating, but I do plan on bringing enough clothes so I can change three times a day. Sounds crazy? Maybe. I just like having options and sometimes, different parties and events call for different outfits. I like to be prepared! No matter how many dresses and high heels I bring with me, though, it's really all about the accessories. No outfit is complete without this - the one thing that can really dazzle a crowd - and it is really all you need to bring with you. I'm not talking about the perfect necklace or the perfect earrings to make your outfit c...

On Gun Control

I just spent a great weekend with my children and family doing the things we love to do on summer days and evenings - bike rides, park visits, swimming into the night, and even baking, a not so frequent occurrence for me. However, my heart is heavy, as I've been thinking about the Aurora, Colorado movie theatre shooting non-stop, trying to wrap my head around this real-life massacre that took place. I've read some great posts on this tragedy that got me thinking. Anyone who knows me will know that I've always been against guns, since I believe their only purpose is to kill. When I was in college (after graduating university, and moving to D.C. for an internship with CBS) I did a 10 minute documentary on gun control for my broadcast journalism assignment. I went to a shooting range to get some video, and held a gun for the first time. It was heavy. It was loaded. I aimed, and shot my target man in the chest....

No Sleep Till BlogHer

It seems like only yesterday I was in San Diego for BlogHer 2011, missing my kids like crazy, but having a great time with friends, attending fabulous parties, and wiping away my tears (as usual) during the Keynote. In a few weeks, almost every single blogger I know and love will be in New York City for BlogHer 2012. I am beyond excited that BlogHer is back in NYC, because 2010 was my favourite BlogHer ever, and I'm hoping this year will be even more amazing. From Mom 2.0 to BlissDom Canada , there is something unique and special about every blogging conference I attend. Sure, the parties, the ones put on officially by BlogHer and the private ones, are amazing, but the late night chats at 1 a.m. in the hotel lobby, or the fun that happens before or after all the parties and sessions is what I remember the most. I wrote a post last year offering advice to people attending BlogHer . It can be stressful, and it's definitely busy. I consider BlogHe...