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Showing posts from December, 2010

2010: What I learned and what I blogged about!

The last post I wrote in 2009 was my a summary of my status updates from Facebook. Believe it or not, it was a (somewhat) decent summary of the year. A quick glimpse: ... so proud of baby Dimitry for walking across the room all by himself! ... going to Atlantis in the Bahamas! ... glad to be home and safe (with some soreness) after a bad car accident on the drive home. OMG WHAT THE F*** I am freaking out! JUST finished watching Grey's OMG OMG OMG OMG I'm seriously numb. OMG. I'll never ever ever ever be able to fall asleep now. OMG. Like, OHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYY F***** GOD! ... sad Frank McCourt died. One of my most favourite authors. "YIAYIA! IT'S AWAKE!" Yup, I love it when my son refers to his baby brother as an 'it'. So funny! ... had my car stolen at the Superstore today, watched it drive away - glad my boys were safe with me... but still... shitty. And then, I find out John Hughes died. This day is just not a good one! ... can't believe my baby ...

It's almost Christmas!

Christmas is two days away! Are you ready? If you're anything like me, you'll be in the mall on the 24th of December picking up last minute items, whether it's another present for your children (as if they don't have enough already! ) or something else for their stockings. Like the fear of peeling too few potatoes, I have the same fear with presents. What if there aren't enough gifts? In all seriousness, though, December has been a wonderful month, despite the craziness. Last week, my son performed in his Christmas concert at school, singing beautifully and saying his lines perfectly. We practiced at home and even Dimitry knew the lines by heart! Proud mommy moment, for sure. I even baked the night before for his class party. Of course, I destroyed about two dozen cookies in the process, but luckily, some turned out okay. Here are some things that have made this month festive and fabulous for me: Sitting around the Christmas tree with my boys, talking about all the ...

2010: A summary in iPhone pictures

2010 is almost over. It was a good year, complete with lots of laughter, love, friendship, new experiences, highs, lows, craziness, and everything in between. Through it all, I captured images that will forever be memories for me, thanks to my beloved iPhone camera. Of course, the pictures I took with my phone are only a snippet of my year, but a neat summary, nonetheless. Here's my 2010, in iPhone pictures: A trip to my favourite place, Florida. Taken while lying down beside my napping toddler, at the Westin Diplomat. I took this picture because of the giant blimp in the sky, trying to come to terms with one of my biggest fears ever: THE BLIMP. They completely terrify me! A sunny day in February, complete with shades. My snowman family. Aren't they adorable? The fear of the car wash in early 2010 caused my son to spit out his granola bar. Learning to skate, because that's what kids do in Canada. Freezing! Cold! Vancouver 2010 Olympics! All about the red mittens. Colou...

30 Days of Truth: Day 9 and Day 10

December is in full swing, and the holidays are almost here. Rather than write about all the things I still have to do to get ready for Christmas, I thought I could distract myself with another 30 Days of Truth writing prompt. Day 9: Someone you didnā€™t want to let go, but just drifted. Is there someone in your life you didn't want to let go, but it sort of happened... by chance? Several of my best friends have moved to other cities, and although the distance between us great, when we get together a few times a year, it's like it was when we were together every day. Conversations pick up where they left off, laughter is non-stop, and the hugs are plentiful. True friendship really does last a lifetime, no matter how far away two people are from eachother, even if you only see your favourite people twice a year. Phone calls and emails and cards in the mail make up for the distance in miles. I think having a close friend in your life who drifts away over time is different than ...

All I Want For Christmas

This Holiday post is sponsored as part of the UrbanMoms Network. I don't want a lot for Christmas, There is just one thing I need, (This blue dress from Holt Renfrew, baby!) I don't care about the presents, (But this Tiffany key would make my heart sing!) Underneath the Christmas tree, I just want you for my own, (A trip to Florida, too!) More than you could ever know, Make my wish come true... All I want for Christmas.... is.... you! (And a house in the South of France, please?) I don't want a lot for Christmas, There is just one thing I need, (An ipad my kids won't steal from me?) I don't care about the presents Underneath the Christmas tree, (A new pair of Chanel shades would be nice...) I don't need to hang my stocking There upon the fireplace, (I will, though, I want some new magazines!) Santa Claus won't make me happy, (He better leave the cookies for me!) With a toy on Christmas day, (Unless it's red with four wheels!) I just want you for my own,...